At Proplace, with our expertise and reliability, we provide quality products for all our customers. Because we want to be successful, we offer sophisticated and technologically advanced products.

We have established an integrated management system that includes an ISO 9001:2015 quality management system and an ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system. The system obliges every employee to work in a quality manner, to meet the requirements, and to have an appropriate attitude towards the environment.

The principles of our Quality and Environmental Policy:

  • The company management shall provide all the resources required for the functioning of the quality management system and the environmental management system, to allow the growth of quality on the way to business excellence.
  • The management shall regularly monitor and measure the achievement of the required quality level and impacts of our activities on the environment.
  • Our organisation enables us to successfully and effectively achieve our goals so that we can achieve and exceed the requirements, needs, and expectations of our customers.
  • We build mutually beneficial partnerships with suppliers, based on mutual respect and trust.
  • We provide an appropriate working environment, in which all employees can, creatively and with motivation, achieve their personal and business growth.
  • We care for the satisfaction of our employees, while at the same time all employees comply with the prescribed and adopted elements of the quality system and the environmental management system.
  • We commit ourselves to compliance with the applicable legal requirements and continuous improvement of the environmental management system.
  • We meet the needs and expectations of relevant stakeholders and allow some of their needs and expectations to become our compliance obligations.
  • We all participate in training activities and are involved in all the activities related to the protection of the environment and the importance of health and safety.
  • Our Quality and Environmental Policy is accessible to the general public.

The aims of our Quality and Environmental Policy are to:

  • meet the expectations of customers and all interested stakeholders, including our employees;
  • meet the requirements of standards;
  • be price-competitive;
  • supply under conditions that ensure business success;
  • operate cost-efficiently and economically in all areas;
  • ensure safe and orderly workplaces;
  • fully meet the requirements of the applicable legislation.


The top management is committed to the continuous improvement of our attitude towards the environment and prevention of its pollution and strives to provide conditions for meeting the set fundamental goals.

We are aware that people are the cornerstone of quality, so we respect the knowledge, innovativeness, and ideas of each employee.

All employees are fully aware and understand the quality policy and the environmental management system. We are informed about the policy through the established channels of communication with our company. Our employees ensure that our actions are aimed at fulfilling this policy, the framework and implementation goals for improving the quality system, and our environmental management.

The policy is available to all associated with our operation. We provide it to the public upon request.


Each company manager is directly responsible for enforcing and implementing the quality policy by:

  • Caring for the introduction and operation of the quality system and the environmental management system.
  • Monitoring and improving the level of fulfilment of customer requirements.
  • Detecting potential origins of faults and improving internal processes and the working system.
  • Developing the quality system and the environmental management system with suppliers and other business partners with whom it has a common interest.
  • Establishing, implementing, and monitoring programmes for improving quality and environmental cleanliness.
  • Caring for the education and training of employees to achieve the planned quality, higher goals, and a more responsible attitude towards the environment.
  • Caring for the rational use of raw materials, consumables, and energy-generating products.
  • Complying with all for their work relevant legislation.
  • Caring for the prevention of pollution and compliance with all legal requirements relating to the environment.
  • Committing to the minimisation of energy consumption as well as the consumption of raw materials and consumables.
  • Identifying and assessing the risks relating to compliance with the relevant requirements of the relevant stakeholders.
  • Promoting a culture of thinking about risks and opportunities among all employees.

Each employee of the company is part of the quality system and environmental management system; therefore, everyone will strive to:

  • Acquaint themselves with, understand and satisfy the expectations of employees and customers regarding the quality of products and services.
  • Discover and correct the origins of faults and deviations that arise in procedures and processes.
  • Participate in the planning and introduction of continuous improvement of quality and environment to the benefit of the entire company.

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Politika piškotkov

To obvestilo je podano v skladu z Zakonom o elektronskih komunikacijah (ZEKom-2), ki ureja pravila glede uporabe piškotkov in podobnih tehnologij za shranjevanje podatkov ali pridobivanje dostopa do podatkov, shranjenih na uporabnikovem računalniku, pametnem telefonu ali drugi napravi.

Obvestilo o uporabi piškotkov

Da bi vam olajšali uporabo naše spletne strani in jo naredili bolj prijetno, uporabljamo »piškotke«.

Kaj so piškotki?

Piškotki so majhne podatkovne datoteke, ki se ob obisku in uporabi spletnega mesta shranijo na uporabnikovo napravo, s katero uporabnik dostopa do spletnega mesta. Ob ponovnem obisku spletnega mesta lahko ponudnik dostopa do podatkov na uporabnikovi napravi, ki so se zbrali s pomočjo piškotkov.

ProPlace s pomočjo piškotkov zagotavlja boljše ter uporabniku bolj prijazno in osebno prilagojeno delovanje in prikazovanje spletnega mesta, obenem pa mu piškotki pomagajo pri analizi uporabnikov, beleženju obiska (statistični nameni) ter za bolj učinkovito oglaševanje.

Piškotki oziroma podatki, zbrani z njihovo pomočjo, sami po sebi ne omogočajo identifikacije uporabnika v smislu zakonodaje o varstvu osebnih podatkov, saj z njimi ni mogoče ugotoviti, za katero konkretno osebo gre.

Piškotki običajno vsebujejo:

Katere piškotke uporablja spletno mesto ProPlace?

Nujno potrebni piškotki

Ti piškotki so avtomatično dovoljeni, ker spletne strani brez njih ne delujejo. Ključni so za navigacijo po spletnih straneh in zagotavljajo, da osnovni procesi spletne strani delujejo.

Za uporabo teh piškotkov ProPlace ne potrebuje dovoljenja uporabnika, zato se na napravo vedno namestijo.

Spletna stran ProPlace uporablja sledeče nujne piškotke:


Trajanje (doba hranjenja v brskalniku)

Namen – čemu služi














Ne-nujni piškotki

Spletna stran ProPlace uporablja sledeče ne-nujne piškotke:


Trajanje (doba hranjenja v brskalniku)

Namen – čemu služi








Nastavitve za nadzor piškotkov

ProPlace prenese ne-nujne piškotke na napravo, preko katere dostopate do spletne strani, le v primeru, če v to privolite s klikom na »Strinjam se z namestitvijo piškotkov« v pojavnem okencu na spletni strani. 

Odločitev, ali boste spletnim stranem dovolili uporabo piškotkov ali ne, je povsem v rokah uporabnika, pri tem pa velja opozoriti, da stran optimalno deluje le, če so piškotki v vašem brskalniku oz. na naših spletnih straneh omogočeni.

S klikom na povezavo »Dovolim«, ob prvem obisku na spletni strani, se strinjate z uporabo ne-nujnih piškotkov za

Tracker name

































 V kolikor ne kliknete na povezavo »Dovolim« in nadaljujete z ogledom spletne strani ProPlace, bomo nastavili samo nujne piškotke.

Uporabnik lahko shranjene piškotke kadarkoli preveri, oz. omeji ali onemogoči skladno z navodili spletnega brskalnika, ki ga uporablja, zato priporočamo, da s tem v zvezi preberete navodila brskalnika, ki ga uporabljate.
